Swedish timber stocks amounted to 7.9 million cubic meters on 30 June 2023, which was 9% less than the same time last year. That is the lowest volume for this time of year since 2018.


Swedish timber stocks decreased by 9%

Swedish timber stocks decreased by 9%

Image: Depositphotos

Swedish timber stocks amounted to 7.9 million cubic meters on 30 June 2023, which was 9% less than the same time last year. That is the lowest volume for this time of year since 2018, according to the Swedish Forest Agency.

Stocks on 30 June 2023 broken down by assortment (comparison with the same time last year):

  • Coniferous sawlogs 2.3 million cubic meters (-18%)
  • Pulpwood 4.7 million cubic meters (-5%)
  • Pulp chips 1 million cubic meters (+1%)

Stocks of softwood pulpwood (including spruce pulpwood) amounted to 3.8 million cubic meters, which was a decrease of 13% compared to the end of June 2022. Stocks of hardwood pulpwood, on the other hand, increased by 43% compared to the same time in 2022 and amounted to 0.9 million cubic meters.

Stocks of softwood sawlogs were lower than the same time last year in all timber balance areas.

Stocks of softwood sawlogs, pulpwood and pulp chips at the end of the quarter by timber balance area. Year 2021-2023. 1,000 cubic meters

Coniferous sawlogs


Pulp chips