Sweden's timber stocks amounted to 7.8 million m3, of which 2.7 million m3 were softwood sawlogs, 4.2 million m3 pulpwood and 0.9 million m3 pulp chips. Stocks of pulpwood were 16% lower than the same time last autumn, according to the Swedish Forest Agency's inventory survey.
Stocks of softwood saw logs have not changed since the summer and remained at 2.7 million m3 on September 30. This is 4% more than at the same time in 2020 and 7% more compared with the average for the same time the past five years.
Pulpwood stocks amounted to 4.2 million m3, which was a decrease of 16% compared to September 30 in 2020. Even compared to the average at the same time over the past five years, it was a decrease but by a more moderate 5%.
The stock of pulp chips was just under 0.9 million m3, which was 10% smaller than the same time last year. Stocks of pulp chips have averaged 0.8 million m3 at this time of year over the past five years.
Stocks of softwood sawlogs were slightly higher this autumn than last autumn in all balance areas except in Västernorrland, Västerbotten, Norrbotten and Jämtland counties where stocks were 10% lower this year.
Stocks decreased for all pulpwood assortments compared to the same time last year in all balance areas except stocks of softwood in Stockholm, Uppsala, Gotland, Västmanland, Dalarna and Gävleborg counties and Härjedalen municipality which was 2% higher this year.