Sweden's area notified for felling in September 2023 decreased by 6%, compared to September 2022. The area regarding applications for permits for final felling in montane forests however, almost doubled, compared to the same month last year.


Sweden's notified area for felling decreased by 6% in September

Sweden"s notified area for felling decreased by 6% in September

Image: Sveaskog

Sweden's area of notified logging and permits applied for was 25,556 hectares in September 2023, which was a decrease of 6%, compared to September 2022. Of this area, applications for permits for final felling of montane forests represented 472 hectares, compared with 247 hectares in the same month last year, according to the Swedish Forest Agency.

Compared to the average area of notifications and applications for the country in September over the past five years, this is a decrease of 15%. Also compared to the average area for the last ten years, this is a decrease of 15%.

For January to September, the area of notifications and applications for permits for final felling was 192,337 hectares, which is an increase by 15%, compared to the same period last year. So far this year, the area of applications for permits for final felling of montane forests is 10,346 hectares, for the corresponding period last year the area was 4,277 hectares.

In Northern Norrland, the area notified and applied for has increased by 56%, in Southern Norrland by 3% and in Götaland by 24%. In Svealand however, it has decreased by 5%, compared to the first nine months of the year 2022.

Compared to the average area of notifications and applications for the country in the first nine months of the year for the last five years, it is a decrease by 1%. Compared to the last ten years, it is at the same level.