Final felling applications in montane forests grow 45% year-on-year.


Sweden’s notified felling area rises 30% in January

Sweden’s notified felling area rises 30% in January

Image: Depositphotos

The area notified or applied for felling in Sweden reached 19,273 hectares in January, marking a 30% increase compared to January 2024. Applications for final felling permits in montane forests rose to 525 hectares, up 45% from the 362 hectares recorded in the same month last year. This data comes from the Swedish Forest Agency.

Compared to the five-year average for January, the total notified and applied felling area increased by 11%. Compared to the ten-year average, the increase was 5%.

Regionally, all parts of the country recorded growth in notified felling areas. Northern Norrland saw the largest increase, adding 1,202 hectares (+52%). Southern Norrland followed with a rise of 2,643 hectares (+72%). Svealand increased by 539 hectares (+16%), while Götaland saw a marginal increase of 26 hectares (0%).