Stora Enso has started lignin granulation and packing plant at Sunila biomaterials mill in Finland.

Wood Pulp

Stora Enso starts up new lignin granulation plant n Finland

Stora Enso starts up new lignin granulation plant n Finland

Stora Enso’s new lignin granulation and packing plant has started operations at the company’s Sunila biomaterials production unit in Finland. The use of lignin in granulated form will also further support the development work of Stora Enso’s bio-based battery material Lignode.

Lignin is one of the main building blocks of a tree. The kraft lignin, Lineo by Stora Enso, can now be produced as granulates instead of powder or wet lignin. This further strengthens Stora Enso’s capabilities in replacing fossil-based raw materials with renewable materials, while supporting a more sustainable supply chain. Lignin is one of the key areas in Stora Enso’s strategy to deliver growth on new applications, such as bio-based binders and anode material for batteries

Lignin granulation will help Stora Enso provide its customers with a more efficient way of handling dry lignin and delivering it in bulk containers. Packing and transporting granulated lignin will be easier and faster compared to the dry powder used today, which requires special equipment.

Stora Enso has produced lignin at its Sunila biomaterials production unit in Finland since 2015 with an annual capacity of 50,000 tonnes, making Stora Enso the largest kraft lignin producer in the world.

Stora Enso is a leading provider of renewable products in packaging, biomaterials, wooden construction and paper, and one of the largest private forest owners in the world.