The total value of roundwood purchased from Slovenian private owners in November 2024 was higher at both the annual and monthly level.


Slovenia: Value of purchased roundwood up 2.2% in November 2024

Slovenia: Value of purchased roundwood up 2.2% in November 2024

Image: Depositphotos

Compared to November 2023, the value of roundwood purchased from Slovenian private owners was higher by 2.2% in November 2024, according to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.

The increase was caused by a higher value of purchased sawlogs and veneer logs, due to a larger quantity and higher average prices. The values of other categories decreased, mostly of wood fuel.

Compared to October 2024, the total value of roundwood purchased from private owners increased by a quarter. The value of purchased other industrial pulpwood went up the most. As regards sawlogs and veneer logs, the values of beech and oak sawlogs were significantly higher.