Segezha Group launched the final stage of its long-term environmental programme to overhaul soda recovery boilers and replace electrostatic precipitators at Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill. The total project cost is approximately RUB 2 billion ($21 million).


Segezha Group replaces precipitators at its Segezha mill in Russia

Segezha Group replaces precipitators at its Segezha mill in Russia

Segezha Group launched the final stage of its long-term environmental programme to overhaul soda recovery boilers and replace electrostatic precipitators at Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill in Russia. The total project cost is approximately RUB 2 billion ($21 million).

In February Kondor-Eco JSC (Semibratovo) completed delivery of its equipment that replaces of the old filters – on the boiler #3. The replacement will start in March. The commissioning is scheduled for early autumn. The boiler #4 will also be overhauled this year. All works are expected to be completed by the end of 2022.

The environmental programme for the complete replacement of electrostatic precipitators and the repair of all the soda recovery boilers will significantly reduce the mill's environmental footprint. The company's new filters will provide almost absolute limestone particle entrapment, more than 99%.

“Segezha Group made substantial investments in the soda recovery boilers overhaul. The company systematically reduces the environmental footprint of its production facilities. In Karelia, the work is carried out primarily in the interests of Segezha residents, the team of our mill and the general environmental well-being of the region,” says Peter Podelenyuk, CEO of the Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill.