Segezha Group launched a new technological line for production of fuel granules (pellets) in Lesosibirsk, Russia. The investments into the pellet production facility amounted to RUB 816.6 million ($12.2 million). The capacity of the new enterprise is 70,000 tons of ready products, which will be exported, as the company said in the press release received by Lesprom Network.
In his response, president of Segezha Group Mikhail Shamolin thanked the team of Lesosibirsky LDK No. 1 and the builders of the new production facility.
“When we came here six months ago, the place was just a construction site with new materials, reinforcement elements and concrete still being delivered. It was difficult to believe that we would have a plant already in full operation by the end of November.” “The team has shown us their very best side; the project has been implemented in good time and with full compliance with the budget. Additional jobs, monetary flows are being created, and we remain hopeful for continued expansion, development of technologies and construction of new production facilities at LLDK No. 1,” he added.
Lesosibirsky LDK No. 1 is one of the leading sawn timber manufacturers in Russia.