Segezha Packaging GmbH (part of Segezha Group and AFK Sistema) welcomed in the German city of Archen the start-up of the pilot operation of the Creatio CRM-system. The works were conducted in line with the schedule; personnel training and CRM testing were held online. Last October, the system was already successfully launched at another enterprise of Segezha Group – Segezha Packaging A/S in the Danish city of Alborg. The rollout of the system in the European subsidiaries of the group is conducted to build the unified customer relationship management system across the entire holding company.
Implementation of the CRM at Segezha Packaging GmbH will provide for the automation of the customer relationship processes and will also allow for the accumulation of data and compilation of analytical reports with a selectable level of detail. These results will also be attained through the integration with ERP-system SAP R/3, used by the company.