Sawlog prices increased by 33% since the second quarter of the previous year.


Roundwood prices rise in Sweden during second quarter of 2024

Roundwood prices rise in Sweden during second quarter of 2024

Image: Depositphotos

The roundwood prices in Sweden increased for both sawlog and pulpwood in the second quarter of 2024, compared to the first quarter, according to the Swedish Forest Agency. Sawlog prices rose by almost 8%, while pulpwood saw a 5% increase.

Regionally, the largest rise in sawlog prices occurred in Götaland, with a 5% increase, followed by a 3% rise in Svealand. In Södra Norrland, sawlog prices climbed nearly 2%, while Norra Norrland experienced a 1% decrease. The national average increase is greater due to the volume-weighted calculation method used, which accounts for regional distribution.

Pulpwood prices showed mixed regional trends. While Svealand and Götaland saw increases of 4 and 5% respectively, prices fell in northern Sweden. Norra Norrland saw a nearly 1% decline, and Södra Norrland experienced a 2% drop.

The year-over-year comparison also shows a continued upward trend in roundwood prices. Sawlog prices increased by 33% overall since the second quarter of 2023, with the largest regional rise of 36% in Svealand. Södra Norrland and Götaland saw increases of 21 and 28% respectively, while Norra Norrland recorded a 9% rise.