Overall, sawlog prices rose by 25% year-on-year.


Roundwood prices rise in Sweden during Q3 2024

Roundwood prices rise in Sweden during Q3 2024

Image: Depositphotos

Prices for both sawlog and pulpwood increased across Sweden in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the second quarter, according to the Sweden Forestry Agency (Skogsstyrelsen). The rise was evident in all regions. 

Sawlog prices experienced the most significant hike in Svealand, rising by 12%, followed by a 10% increase in Norra Norrland. In Södra Norrland and Götaland, prices increased by 4% and 3%, respectively.

Pulpwood prices also climbed, with the steepest increases recorded in the north. Norra Norrland saw a 13% increase, while Södra Norrland experienced a 7% rise. In Svealand and Götaland, pulpwood prices grew by nearly 8% and 6%, respectively.

Compared to the same period in 2023, roundwood prices continue their upward trend. Overall, sawlog prices rose by 25% year-on-year, with Svealand witnessing a 37% surge. Södra Norrland and Götaland saw increases of 27% and 23%, while Norra Norrland reported a 19% rise.