The jury also found PacifiCorp liable for the destruction of nearly 2,500 additional properties, potentially resulting in damages exceeding $1 billion.


PacifiCorp found liable for Oregon wildfires, ordered to pay millions in damages

PacifiCorp found liable for Oregon wildfires, ordered to pay millions in damages

Image: Depositphotos

A jury in Oregon has ruled that electric utility company PacifiCorp is responsible for the devastating wildfires that caused extensive damage to numerous properties. The jury has awarded compensatory damages ranging from $3 million to $4.5 million to 17 homeowners who were affected by the Labor Day fires in 2020. These homeowners accused PacifiCorp of neglecting to deactivate its power lines ahead of a windstorm, which ultimately led to the destructive infernos.

Initially filed as a class action lawsuit, the case involved thousands of properties. The jury also found PacifiCorp liable for the destruction of nearly 2,500 additional properties, potentially resulting in damages exceeding $1 billion. The exact amount of these damages will be determined in a subsequent trial phase.

PacifiCorp, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, intends to appeal the jury's decision and remains optimistic about the success of their appeals. The trial, which commenced in April, has been recorded and is being webcast by the Courtroom View Network.

Throughout the trial, PacifiCorp argued that there was insufficient evidence directly linking their power lines to the wildfires. The company asserted that it had taken reasonable precautions to minimize the risk of fires while ensuring the provision of electricity to critical facilities. However, the attorneys representing the affected property owners contended that PacifiCorp ignored warnings about the approaching windstorm. They also highlighted the fact that other utilities proactively deactivated their power lines in the affected areas. Furthermore, they emphasized the role of poorly maintained vegetation in facilitating the rapid spread of the fires.

The plaintiffs in this case are being represented by the law firms Keller Rohrback LLP, Edelson PC, and Stoll Berne, while PacifiCorp is being represented by Hueston Hennigan LLP.