PMP Group signs contract with one of China’s leading paper producers - Jiangsu Changfeng Paper Co., Ltd. PMP Group implements next generation shoe press – PMP Intelli-Nip®.


PMP Group implements first Intelli-Nip® shoe press in China

Mar 29, 2014. /Lesprom Network/. PMP Group signs contract with one of China’s leading paper producers - Jiangsu Changfeng Paper Co., Ltd. PMP Group implements next generation shoe press – PMP Intelli-Nip®, as the company said in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

After the installation of three PMP Intelli-Jet V® hydraulic headboxes and PMP Intelli-Sizer® size press, with metering heads, on PM#3 (reel trim 4860 mm), PMP Group has started-up in Jiangsu Changfeng Paper Co., Ltd another key technological unit - Intelli-Nip® shoe press.

This time project goals are focused on increasing the PM’s capacity, by increasing the operating speed from 800 to 900 mpm (almost 13% capacity increase). Another target is to significantly improve quality parameters of the final product (especially its strength) and machine runnability.

Jiangsu Changfeng Paper Co., Ltd is a part of the Jiangsu Changfeng Group that employs over 650 people. The main product of the company is fluting paper with different specification.