Closure reduces annual folding boxboard capacity to 1.4 million tonnes and incurs Euro 28 million one-off impact.


Metsä Board closes Tako mill, reducing 208 jobs

Metsä Board closes Tako mill, reducing 208 jobs

Image: Tako board mill / Metsä Board

Metsä Board has finalized change negotiations initiated in January to enhance profitability and cost efficiency. As a result, the company will permanently close the Tako board mill and improve the operational efficiency of the Kyro board mill, leading to a total reduction of 208 jobs. 

Production at the Tako board mill is scheduled to cease by the end of the second quarter of 2025. Despite the closure, customer deliveries will remain unaffected, with Metsä Board's annual folding boxboard production capacity at approximately 1.4 million tonnes.

Metsä Board projects the measures will improve its annual comparable EBITDA by around Euro 30 million, predominantly starting from the second half of 2025. The company will record a one-off profit impact of approximately Euro -28 million related to asset impairment in its first-quarter 2025 operating result. The one-off cash impact is estimated at Euro -1 million.