To increase its drying capacity HS Timber's Luvian Saha Oy is investing in one FB-continuous kiln and modernization of three older continuous kilns from Swedish Valutec to its sawmill in Finish Luvia. Additionally, the delivery includes Valutec’s control system “Valmatics 4.0” to the four continuous kilns.
The new generation of continuous kilns combines its high capacity and operational economics with a drying quality comparable to batch kilns. As the world’s biggest supplier of continuous kilns, Valutec is heavily involved in the trend for the increasing use of this drying technology.
The project will start at the Luvia sawmill in early summer 2025 with commissioning in the fall of 2025.
Since 1976 Luvian Saha has been known for their high quality spruce and pine products. Products manufactured from strictly selected raw material, with various surface treatments, delivered to five different continents. In 2022 HS Timber Group acquired 100% of the shares in Luvian Saha Oy.