The new tree nursery building complex is scheduled for completion in 2025.


Latvijas Finieris progresses on wooden building complex at Zābaki tree nursery in Latvia

Latvijas Finieris progresses on wooden building complex at Zābaki tree nursery in Latvia

Image: Latvijas Finieris

The construction of the unique wooden building complex continues on the territory of Zābaki tree nursery of Latvijas Finieris as part of the development project.

The construction of external engineering networks and monolithic reinforced concrete structures has been completed. Construction of the load-bearing timber structures and roofing for the warehouse-cooler building is well underway. The assembly of the timber structures for the other buildings of the complex has also started.

The construction of all buildings is expected to be fully completed by winter, with interior works and internal communications then being started.

The design and construction of the wooden building complex at Zābaki is being carried out in close cooperation with Latvian scientists as it introduces new wood construction solutions for non-traditional uses.

The new tree nursery building complex is scheduled for completion in 2025 and is being built by UPB in cooperation with subcontractors.

It has already been reported that in order to ensure the storage of saplings during the winter period and to improve the overall infrastructure, Latvijas Finieris has started an ambitious development project for the Zābaki tree nursery in Sigulda Municipality. The new wood building complex will combine several functionalities: it will be a warehouse-cooler for birch saplings, which will reduce the loss of finished products and ensure that customers receive the saplings at their preferred time in spring, as well as create a modern working environment for the tree nursery’s employees. But most importantly, the new cooler building will be the first example of this type of cooler solution in the form of a wooden building.

Latvijas Finieris is one of the largest birch plywood producing companies in the world with production in all Baltic countries and in Finland.