The new long-term contract, which Geminor won through an official tendering process, binds the resource management company to export a total of 100,000 tonnes of waste wood produced at Danish Vestforbrænding. The contract has duration of four years, and first export will commence October 1, 2019.

Wooden Panels

Geminor secures wood waste contract in Denmark

The new long-term contract, which Geminor won through an official tendering process, binds the resource management company to export a total of 100,000 tonnes of waste wood produced at Danish Vestforbrænding. The contract has duration of four years, and first export will commence October 1, 2019, as the company says in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

The recycled waste wood, type A2, will be exported to off-takers in both Sweden and Latvia, and will be utilized in the production of furniture. The transport will be completed by bulk shipment from a HUB close to Copenhagen, as well as road transport.

Vestforbrænding is Denmark’s largest waste recovery company, owned by 19 regional municipalities surrounding Copenhagen.