In 2023, roundwood consumption by the forest industry decreased by 6% from the previous year to 61.2 million cubic metres according to the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke).
The consumption of domestic roundwood, i.e. logs and pulpwood, was 57.8 million cubic metres (-6%).
The volume of imported roundwood, i.e. logs and pulpwood, as well as imported chips and sawdust was 3.3 million cubic metres (-16%).
The total consumption of logs was 23.8 million cubic metres (-11%), and that of pulpwood was 36.7 million cubic metres (-2%).
The most significant roundwood assortments consumed by the forest industry were pine pulpwood (18.4 million cubic metres), spruce logs (12.4 million cubic metres) and pine logs (10.3 million cubic metres).
The wood products industry consumed 26.3 million cubic metres of roundwood (-10%), the majority of which 23.8 million cubic metres, (-9%) was consumed by the sawmill industry.
The pulp industry consumed 34.8 million cubic metres of roundwood (-3%), the majority of which 29.5 million cubic metres was consumed by the chemical pulp industry.
The highest volume of roundwood was consumed in the region of South Karelia (11.7 million cubic metres). It was followed by Central Finland (6.8 million cubic metres) and Satakunta (5.9 million cubic metres).
A total of 8.5 million cubic metres of forest industry by-products was consumed in the manufacture of forest industry products (-7%). Of this, the chemical pulp industry accounted for more than three quarters.
Based on the difference between the total import of chips (1.4 million cubic metres) and the volume consumed by the forest industry, the remaining amount of chips imported into Finland (0.7 million solid cubic metres) consisted of forest chips consumed in energy generation.