Louis Bélanger, Université Laval, joins FSC Canada Board of Directors. As a biologist and a forest engineer Bélanger conducts research on the integrated and ecosystem-based management of Quebec's forests. He is also interested in protected areas, their conservation and management. For


FSC Canada appoints Louis Bélanger to its Board of Directors

FSC Canada appoints Louis Bélanger to its Board of Directors

Image: Depositphotos

FSC Canada elects Louis Bélanger, Associate Professor, Faculty of Forestry, Geography and Geomatics at Université Laval, to the FSC Canada Board of Directors on the Environmental Chamber. 

As a biologist and a forest engineer Bélanger conducts research on the integrated and ecosystem-based management of Quebec's forests. He is also interested in protected areas, their conservation and management.

Image: Louis Bélanger

For several years, he has been co-responsible for the Forest Commission of Nature Québec, an NGO working to protect the environment and promote sustainable development. He is vice-president of the Quebec Woodland Caribou Recovery Team and also Chair of Aboriginal Forestry at Université Laval.

FSC is a global not-for-profit organization that sets the standards for what is a responsibly managed forest, both environmentally and socially.