This heritage, located in Cantabria, represents a total of 3,362 forest hectares, and also includes other assets, such as five Nitens eucalyptus seed orchards and two commercial species of Glóbulus eucalyptus, resistant to local pests of this crop.


Ence is awarded forestry assets of bankrupt Sniace

Ence is awarded forestry assets of bankrupt Sniace

Image: Ence

Ence – Energía y Celulosa – has been awarded the forest assets of Sniace in the auction held within the framework of said company’s bankruptcy procedure.

This heritage, located in Cantabria, represents a total of 3,362 forest hectares, and also includes other assets, such as five Nitens eucalyptus seed orchards and two commercial species of Glóbulus eucalyptus, resistant to local pests of this crop.

Ence is a Spanish company dedicated to the transformation of wood from forest crops for industrial use . The production of paper pulp - cellulose pulp - from its factories in Pontevedra ( Galicia ) and Navia ( Asturias ) makes it the European leader in the manufacture of cellulose eucalyptus .