Egger Group Management is satisfied with the sales of Euro 2,841.5 million achieved in the 2018/2019 financial year (+5.6% compared to the previous year) and the adjusted operating result (EBITDA) of Egger 425 million (-4.7% compared to the previous year).
The adjusted EBITDA margin amounts to 15% and is thus in line with the long-term average. The equity ratio remains at the high level of 36.8% (previous year: 40.8%). The quantity of rawboards (including timber) increased to 8.8 million m3 (+3.5%), which means the full utilisation of all primary production capacities.
“What is particularly satisfying is that we were able to experience growth in all corporate divisions”, explains Thomas Leissing, spokesman for Group Management, and in charge of Finance, Administration, and Logistics.