China’s log imports in the first two months of 2020 totalled 7.73 million 3m valued at $1,104 million, a year-on-year decline of 9% in volume and 27% in value


China’s imports of tropical hardwood logs declined by 9%

China’s log imports in the first two months of 2020 totalled 7.73 million 3m valued at $1,104 million, a year-on-year decline of 9% in volume and 27% in value, as ITTO reported.

Of total log imports, softwood log imports fell 7% to 5.49 million 3m and accounted for 71% of total log imports. Hardwood log imports fell 15% to 2.24 million 3m (29% of total log imports).

Of total hardwood log imports, tropical log imports were 1.30 million 3m valued at $3.25 million, down 26% in volume and 37% in value from the same period of 2019.