Andritz has officially launched its new tissue machine for textured tissue, the “PrimeLineTEX”, enabling customers to produce textured tissue of a quality superior to dry crepe and very close to structured (TAD) tissue, while at the same time achieving significant cost savings.


Andritz launches new PrimeLineTEX tissue machine for textured tissue

Andritz has officially launched its new tissue machine for textured tissue, the “PrimeLineTEX”, enabling customers to produce textured tissue of a quality superior to dry crepe and very close to structured (TAD) tissue, while at the same time achieving significant cost savings.

PrimeLineTEX is available with widths of 5.6 or 2.8 m and produces high-quality tissue for towel and sanitary applications. The machine offers up to 25% fiber savings compared to dry crepe and consumes up to 50% less energy than a TAD machine. The PrimeLine TEX is substantially shorter in length than other market solutions and uses only one additional fabric instead of two. Furthermore, the PrimeLineTEX machine can switch between production of textured and dry crepe tissue within a much shorter time than comparable solutions.

As a turnkey supplier, Andritz can offer the complete textured tissue production line, including stock preparation, pumps, and the automation system.

The Andritz tissue pilot plant in Graz, Austria – the PrimeLineTIAC – is currently configured as a PrimeLineTEX machine and now offers customers the opportunity to test and develop their future textured tissue.

Andritz Pulp & Paper is a leading global supplier of complete plants, systems, equipment, and comprehensive services for the production and processing of all types of pulp, paper, board, and tissue.