In December 2024, the value of roundwood purchased from Slovenian private owners was a quarter higher at the annual level but almost a quarter lower at the monthly level.


Slovenia: Value of purchased roundwood increased in December 2024

Slovenia: Value of purchased roundwood increased in December 2024

Image: Statistični urad Republike Slovenije

Compared to December 2023, the value of roundwood purchased from Slovenian private owners increased by a quarter in December 2024, according to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.

The value of purchased sawlogs and veneer logs increased by 38%, of that the value of coniferous sawlogs by more than a half. Lower was only the value of purchased pulpwood.

Compared to November 2024, the total value of roundwood purchased from Slovenian private owners decreased by almost a quarter in December 2024. The value of purchased sawlogs and veneer logs was lower by 26% and of other industrial roundwood by more than a third. The value went down mostly due to a lower quantity of purchased roundwood.

Image: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia