The Mayr-Melnhof Group (MM) expects for the 2Q 2022 an operating profit in the range of Euro 150 to Euro 200 million (2Q 2021: Euro 31 million) after Euro 111 million in the 1Q 2022. For the 1H 2022 this translates to a probable operating profit in the range of Euro 260 to Euro 310 million.


Mayr-Melnhof Group expects increase in 2Q and 1H 2022 earnings

The Mayr-Melnhof Group (MM) expects for the 2Q 2022 an operating profit in the range of Euro 150 to Euro 200 million (2Q 2021: Euro 31 million) after Euro 111 million in the 1Q 2022 (1Q 2021: Euro 61 million).

For the 1H 2022 this translates to a probable operating profit in the range of Euro 260 to Euro 310 million (1H 2021: Euro 92 million).

The income statement of the 1H / 2Q 2022 is on top to the ongoing business particularly influenced by the inclusion of the cartonboard and paper mills MM Kwidzyn and  MM Kotkamills, which were acquired at the beginning of August 2021.

This earnings expectation is based on current forecasts with significant ongoing uncertainties from the supply chain.

MM is Europe’s leading producer of cartonboard and folding cartons with an attractive offer in kraft papers and uncoated fine papers.