FSC has launched its forest carbon monitoring tool. This Microsoft Excel-based tool provides FSC forest management certificate holders with a cost-effective, practical and robust solution to assess carbon stocks and fluxes related to responsible forest management.


FSC International launches forest carbon monitoring tool

FSC International launches forest carbon monitoring tool

FSC has launched its forest carbon monitoring tool. This Microsoft Excel-based tool provides FSC forest management certificate holders with a cost-effective, practical and robust solution to assess carbon stocks and fluxes related to responsible forest management. Based on inventory data and management practices, forest managers can use the tool to calculate the tons of carbon that are stored in their forest and – if desired – include a simulation for the future changes in carbon stocks.

This tool can also be used by FSC forest management certificate holders who are applying the FSC Ecosystem Services Procedure (FSC-PRO-30-006) to demonstrate the positive impacts of their forest management on carbon in order to access ecosystem services markets and/or other benefits. Forest managers can use the tool to estimate forest carbon stocks across the entire management unit and – assuming a positive result – get verification for ecosystem services claims ES2.1: “Conservation of forest carbon stocks” and ES2.2: “Restoration of forest carbon stocks”.

The FSC forest carbon monitoring tool was developed by consultancy firm UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH.

The development of the forest carbon monitoring tool included the involvement of multiple carbon experts and a round of pilot testing involving both small and large-scale forest managers in various types of forests. To facilitate the use of the forest carbon monitoring tool, a user manual has been created.

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international member organization that works for environmentally adapted, socially responsible and economically viable use of the world's forests.