The annual review of the Russian forest based industry provided by the Research Department of Lesprom Network. The report contains a detailed analysis of the key sectors, including production, exports and imports, and prices.
The report also includes:
- Impact of the international sanctions on the economy and forest based industry of Russia
- Trends in the global wood markets
- Changes in state regulation of the forest based industry of Russia
- Production and exports of unprocessed wood
- Production and exports of wood products (lumber, chipboard, MDF, fiberboard, OSB, plywood, pellets)
- Production and exports of pulp and paper products (pulp, paper, cardboard, paper bags)
Over 170 pages of market information
Publication date: April 2025
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Trends in the Russian Economy
- The impact of sanctions on the Russian economy and the forest-based industries
- Global wood product market trends and their impact on forest-based industries
- Key changes in state regulations affecting forest-based industries
- Investment projects in the forest-based industries
Forest Resources
- Wood harvesting in Russia
- Producer price dynamics
- Unprocessed wood exports
Wood Processing Industry
- Lumber (production, export, manufacturers, and capacity expansions)
- Fiberboard (production, export, manufacturers, and capacity expansions)
- MDF (production, export, manufacturers, and capacity expansions)
- Chipboard (production, export, manufacturers, and capacity expansions)
- OSB (production, export, manufacturers, and capacity expansions)
- Plywood (production, export, manufacturers, and capacity expansions)
- Pellets (production, export, manufacturers, and capacity expansions)
Pulp and Paper
- Pulp (production, export, manufacturers, and capacity expansions)
- Paper (production, export, manufacturers, and capacity expansions)
- Newsprint (production, export, manufacturers, and capacity expansions)
- Cardboard (production, export, manufacturers, and capacity expansions)
- Containerboard (production, export, manufacturers, and capacity expansions)
- Paper bags (production, export, manufacturers, and capacity expansions)
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