Abu Dhabi Pallet Industry

Abu Dhabi Pallet Industry


  • Поддоны
  • от 1 до 10 человек
  • Продукция

    Поддоны, деревянная тара
    • Деревянные поддоны
    • Европоддон EPAL
    • Американский поддон
    • Химический поддон (CP)
    • Специальный поддон
    • Одноразовый поддон
    • Поддон для продуктов питания
    • Полуподдон
    • Ящичный поддон
    • Паллетные борта
    • Прессованный поддон
    • Крышка для подонов
    • Ящик деревянный
    • Коробка для вина
    • Бочка деревянная
    • Кабельная катушка
    Деревянные кухонные принадлежности
    • Деревянные размешиватели для напитков
    • Доски разделочные деревянные

Место расположения ОАЭ, Абу Даби, P.O.Box: 34172

Abu Dhabi Pallet Industry (ADPI) was founded in 2000, by its parent company; Abdulla Majid Al Muhairi Group.Since then Mr. Salem Abdulla Majia Al Muhairi, owner with a professional staff always strives to make sure all customers receive quality pallets. Our customer base involves all business, which moves goods on platforms. While most of our pallet deliveries are in bulk to the dock of the customer. Current customers include but aren't limited to industries, Oil & Gas field, manufacturing units, Agriculture, Food & Beverage industries, Textiles, computer and other sector with a variety of quality products & services.

Our company utilizes separate warehouse and uncovered storage space. We can process more than 130 pallets/hour. Our woods are aexclusively from properly managed and sustained forests from all over the world.Thus, we can manage and produce pallets of a particular order, delivered on time and strictly quality controlled to the exact specifications of the customer.

The Wooden Pallets will be produced in accordance with strict quality and we registered with APME and our CP Registration number is CP 990. And our new Heat Treatment Facility which complies with Ministry of Environment & Water Dept. of Plant Protection & Quarantine No.: AE005 (Certificate No.:04/2006) with accurate heat treatment as per IPPC.We're setting the standard for Quality and Service in our industry.