Overall results of Russian forest products industry in 2005. English version.

Market researchMarch 2006In Russian






Language: English

Date of issue :  March, 27 2006
Number of pages: 62
Quantity of tables - 24, quantity of figures - 41

Type of document: Electronic document

Price of English version:  400 EUR  


                                                         DESCRIPTION  REVIEW

         Overall economic survey of the industry

§          Gives you complete and up-to-date information about the results of industrial and economic activity of Russian forest products industry;

§          Provides comparative analysis of the sector state of affairs;

§          Defines tendencies of the sector development, interior and exterior state of the market;

§          Provides production and financial rates for a quarter, half a year and a year.


  The survey is highly representative due to the wide information sources database it operates with


§          Production rates of more than 200 timber enterprises from 40 regions;

§          Data on statistics presented by Russian State statistics committee;

§          Data presented by Ministry of economic development and trading;

§          Data presented be State Custom committee of Russian federation;

§          Macroeconomic analysis and short-term forecast Government center data;

§          Data presented by Russian regional governments;

         The survey consists of 4 chapters:


§          Russian economy general state of affairs in 2005;

§          Basic trends of timber sector development;

§          Timber, timber-processing and pulp and paper production dynamics;

§          Key events, that influenced the timber sector development in 2005.

        Texts are accompanied by a number of tables (24) and diagrams (41), that illustrate Russian industrial development rates in 2000-2005, total timber sector growth as well as timber, timber-processing, pulp and paper production rates increase; timber industry sector basic goods production rates.

The tables include dynamic data: timber, timber-processing and pulp and paper production, timber sector enterprises financial rates, prices set by timber and paper manufacturers; regional production by leading enterprises and etc.



1.       Russian economy state of affairs in 2005;

2.       Russian timber sector in 2005;

3.       Logging industry;

4.       Timber-processing industry:

4.1.     Sawn timber;

4.2.     Fiberboard;

4.3.     Chipboard;

4.4.     Plywood;

5.       Pulp and paper industry

5.1.     Pulp;

5.2.     Paper:

5.2.1.         News print;

5.3.     Cardboard;

5.4.     Paper bags;


                                                                         Tables and Figures

Table 1.  Basic indicator of economic development in 2005;
Table 2.  The outlook of economic indicators on 2006-2007;
Table 3.  The production volumes of staple forest products in 2005, Russia;
Table 4.  Export of staple goods of forest, wood processing and pulp-and-paper industry 2005
Table 5.  Removal of logs by major regions of Russia in 2005, ‘000 m3;
Table 6.  Removal of logs by major logging enterprises, ‘000 m3;
Table 7.  Wood processing and forest goods production in 2005;
Table 8.  Grows rates of wood processing and forest goods production in 2005;
Table 9.  Sawn timber production by month, 2005;
Table 10.  Sawn timber production by major regions in 2005;
Table 11.  Sawn timber production by major producers in 2005;
Table 12.  Fiberboard output by month in 2005;
Table 13.  Fiberboard output by major manufactures, ‘000 conventional m2;
Table 14.  Chipboard output by month in 2005;
Table 15.  Chipboard output by major manufactures, ‘000 conventional m2;
Table 16.  Plywood output by month in 2005;
Table 17.  Plywood output by major producers in 2005;
Table 18.  Major products of pulp and paper industry in 2005;
Table 19.  Pulp output by major enterprises, ‘000  t;
Table 20.  Market pulp output by major enterprises, ‘000  t;
Table 21.  Paper production by species in 2004-2005, ‘000  t;
Table 22.  Paper production by major manufactures; ‘000  t;
Table 23.  News print production by major manufactures in 2005,‘000  t;
Table 24.  Paperboard production by major manufacturers, ‘000  t;

Figure 1. GDP dynamic;
Figure 2. Commodity composition of export in Russia;
Figure 3. Commodity composition of import in Russia;
Figure 4. Industrial wood production in Russia;
Figure 5. Dynamics of pulp and paper production, publishing and printing activities;
Figure 6. The structure of forest goods export in 2005;
Figure 7. Removal of logs in 2000-2005, million m3;
Figure 8. Good production of logging industry in 1995-2005;
Figure 9. Production growth of logging industry, % to the same month of the previous year;
Figure 10. Dynamics of wood processing, pulp and paper production in 2002-2005, % to the same month of the previous year;
Figure 11. Growth rate of sawn timber production in 2003-2005, % to the same month of the previous year;
Figure 12. Major regions’ share in sawn timber production in 2005;
Figure 13. Fiberboard production in 1999-2005, million conventional m2;
Figure 14. Growth rate of fiberboard production in 1999-2005, to the same month of the previous year;
Figure 15. Major regions’ share in fiberboard production in 2005;
Figure 16. Growth rate of chipboard production in 2000-2005, to the same month of the previous year;
Figure 17. Chipboard production in 2002-2005, ‘000  m3;
Figure 18. Major regions’ share in chipboard production in 2005;
Figure 19. Growth rate of veneer production in 2000-2005, to the same month of the previous year;
Figure 20. Plywood production in 2002-2005, ‘000  m3
Figure 21. Major regions’ share in plywood production in total plywood output in 2005;
Figure 22. Growth rate of pulp production in 2000-2005, to the same month of the previous year;
Figure 23. Pulp production in 1995-2005, ‘000  t;
Figure 24. Pulp production by month in 2001-2005, ‘000  t;
Figure 25. Major regions’ share in pulp production in 2005;
Figure 26. Major regions’ share in market pulp production in 2005;
Figure 27. Growth rate of paper production in 2002-2005, to the same month of the previous year;
Figure 28. Paper production in 1995-2005, ‘000  t;
Figure 29. Major regions’ share in paper production in 2005;
Figure 30. Newsprint production by month in 2001-2005, ‘000  t;
Figure 31. Newsprint production in 1995-2005, ‘000  t;
Figure 32. Major regions’ share in newsprint production in 2005;
Figure 33. Growth rate of cardboard and containerboard production in 2002-2005, % to the same month of the previous year;
Figure 34. Cardboard production in 1995-2005, ‘000  t;
Figure 35. Cardboard production in 2001-2005, ‘000  t;
Figure 36. Major regions’ share in cardboard production in 2005;
Figure 37. Major regions’ share in containerboard production in 2005;
Figure 38. Growth rate of paper bag production in 2002-2005, % to the same month of the previous year;
Figure 39. Paper bag production by month in 2001-2005, m pcs
Figure 40. Paper bag production by month in 1995-2005, m pcs
Figure 41. Major regions’ share in paper bag production in 2005;

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