Analytic study 'Russian OSB market in the first half of 2010'
Analytic study 'Russian OSB market in the first half of 2010'
Report language: Russian
Issue date: August 2010
Number of pages: 30
Number of graphs: up to 50, number of tables: up to 20
Format: PDF
Subscription price: Eur 650.
1. OSB import volume in Russia, its fluctuations in 2009 and first half of 2010.
2. Prices for OSB, its fluctuations in 2009 and first half of 2010, including geographic pattern of prices.
3. Major Russian companies importing OSB, their prices and delivery terms.
4. Major countries supplying OSB to Russia.
5. Investments into OSB production in Russia: review of announced, started and delayed projects.
6. Low-storey housing construction perspectives in Russia.
7. Russian OSB market development forecast.
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