Market research of glued timber in Russia
Language: Russian;
Date of issue: June 2006;
Number of pages: 64;
Quantity of tables – 39, quantity of figures – 81;
Type of document: Electronic document;
Price of Russian version : 2000 EUR.
Description review
Glued timber production is relatively young and poorly developed direction in Russian wood processing industry. The main consumer of glued timber is building industry. In the framework of national project “Available dwelling” realization wooden house building will play a major role. Glued timber having made a good showing in
The current survey gives the detailed analyze of glued timber market in
· It gives an estimate of market capacity and production volumes of glued timber:
· It shows information about production volumes in the context of all regions, indicating a specific gravity in the general production;
· It indicates major Russian producers of glued timber in the context of regions;
· It indicates countries and foreign companies where glued timber is the most successful as well as it reveals export volumes in these directions;
· It reveals information about export volumes in the context of each major producer specifying the direction of this export by countries and foreign companies;
· It gives information about import volumes in the context of Russian regions and domestic enterprises.
· It gives the dynamic of export prices as well as internal prices for glued timber;
· It gives the forecast for glued timber market development;
· All information is given in the dynamic from 2002 till 2005.
Besides above-listed information the survey provides you with main requirements and specifications declared in different countries. It describes main technological stages of glued timber production. As a disclosure to this research there is an overview of projects of glued timber planned by Russian companies.
Current survey can be of interest both for Russian and foreign producers. It allows to get an insight about Russian market of glued timber. At the same time the research will be useful for making investment decisions in forest products’ industry.
Sources of information:
1. Information from producers and exporters;
3. State Custom Committee of
Darya Strigina, Senior manager of Customer Relations, e-mail:
Milana Barusheva, Senior manager of Customer Relations, e-mail:
Phone/fax +7 495 510-24-08; +7 495 510-24-09
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