Die Gesamtergebnisse der russischen Forst- und Holzindustrie im Jahr 2022
Annual research of the Russian forest-based industries for 2022.
This research presents the dynamics and development of the Russian forest-based industry, detailed analysis of all of its segments, exports and production volumes by the segments and the major companies. The report also analyzes changes in the state regulation of the forest based industry. It contains a table with the chronology of sanctions and their impact on the industry, a table of Western companies that have ceased business in the industry, and a table with a list of investment projects in the industry.
- Macroeconomic indicators of the Russian economy
- Trends in the global wood product markets
- Changes in prices and supply directions in the global wood product market
- The key changes in the state industry regulations
- Russian log market / production, exports, key manufacturers /
- Wood products market / lumber, pellets, chipboard, MDF, fiberboard, OSB, plywood /
- Pulp and paper market / pulp, paper, cardboard, paper bags /
- Impact of the sanctions on the wood product markets
- Timeline of sanctions
- The list of investment projects in Russian forest based industry
163 pages of market data.
Date of publication: April 2023.
Trends in the Russian economy
Trends in global markets for wood products
Key changes in the state regulation of the forest based industry
Logging industry
Timber harvesting by the largest companies
Producer price dynamics
Export of logs
Woodworking industry
Lumber (production, export, manufacturers and expansion projects)
Fiberboard (production, export, manufacturers and expansion projects)
MDF (production, export, manufacturers and expansion projects)
Chipboard (production, export, manufacturers and expansion projects)
OSB (production, export, manufacturers and expansion projects)
Plywood (production, export, manufacturers and expansion projects)
Wood Pellets (production, export, manufacturers and expansion projects)
Pulp and paper
Pulp (production, export, manufacturers and expansion projects)
Paper (production, export, manufacturers and expansion projects)
Newsprint (production, export, manufacturers and expansion projects)
Cardboard (production, export, manufacturers and expansion projects)
Containerboard (production, export, manufacturers and expansion projects)
Paper bags (production, export, manufacturers and expansion projects)
The impact of sanctions on the Russian forest based industry
List of Western companies that have sold or are planning to sell assets in the Russian industry
Chronology of the sanctions and their impact on industry
List of investment projects in the Russian forest based industry at the end of 2022
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