Global Sawlog Price Index up 8% in Q4 2020 amid increased demand in North America, Europe. The most significant sawlog price increases occurred in Western US, Western Canada, Central Europe, and Estonia


The Global Sawlog Price Index rose 8% in 4Q 2020

The Global Sawlog Price Index rose 8% in 4Q 2020

图像: Photobear, Depositphotos

The Global Sawlog Price Index rose 8% in the 4Q 2020 as demand for logs increased throughout North America and Europe, according to Wood Resources International.

The most significant sawlog price increases occurred in Western US, Western Canada, Central Europe, and Estonia. Of the 21 regions included in the Index, only Northwest Russia and Poland saw falling sawlog prices from the 3Q 2020 to the 4Q 2020.

The European Sawlog Price Index (ESPI), denominated in Euros, also rose by 8% in 4Q 2020, up from an 11-year low in the 3Q 2020. The most significant price increases were seen in Austria, Germany, Norway, Estonia, and the Czech Republic.