Pulpwood delivery prices in Sweden increased by 1.8% during the 1Q 2019 compared to the 4Q 2018. At the same time the price of sawlogs decreased by 0.6%, as the Swedish Forest Agency reported.
Delivery purchase is a method which means that the forest owner himself, with or without the help of employees or contractors, delivers the work on the roadside. Delivery prices account for some 9% of the total sold quantity.
The pulpwood price increased in all four quarters of 2018 and continued to increase in the 1Q 2019. The largest increase was in the Northern region by 3.5%, thereafter the Central region by 2.5% and close to unchanged in the Southern region.
Sawlog prices had a different development during the 1Q 2019. The Northern and Southern regions showed marginal price increases of 0.3% and 0.5%. The prices decreased by 2.2% in the Central region.
In comparison to the 1Q 2018 prices increased in the whole country for both pulpwood and sawlog. Pulpwood prices increased by 15.2% and sawlog prices by 8.4%.
Pulpwood prices increased the most in the Northern and Central regions by about 18% and by 13.2% in the Southern region.
Sawlog prices had the highest increase in the Southern region by 9.5%. In the Central and Northern regions the sawlog prices increased by 6.7% respective by 5.1%