Sweden's total stocks of coniferous sawlogs, pulpwood and chips are estimated to have reached 9.5 million cubic metres as of December 31, 2019. This is an increase of 15% since the previous year.


Swedish Forest Agency: Sweden's timber stocks up 15%

Swedish Forest Agency: Sweden"s timber stocks up 15%

Sweden's total stocks of coniferous sawlogs, pulpwood and chips are estimated to have reached 9.5 million cubic metres as of December 31, 2019. This is an increase of 15% since the previous year. It was the large volumes in stock at year-end since 2008, as Swedish Forest Agency reported.

Stocks of pulpwood decreased towards the end of the year and totalled 5.4 million cubic metres. Of this, 4.2 million cubic metres were pulpwood of mixed softwood which were 46% more than the same time in 2018. The stocks of pulpwood of spruce and hardwood were slightly lower than last year and were both around 0.6 million cubic metres.

Stocks of coniferous sawlogs increased at the end of the year to 3.2 million cubic metres. Compared with the same time of the year before, this is an increase of 8%.

Stocks of chips are estimated to have reached 0.9 million cubic metres, down 10% compared to 2018.