Delivery prices on roundwood have increased two years in a row. The increase of 2019 was however less than the year before. The first half of 2019 had increasing prices which later turned downward during the second half of the year.


Swedish Forest Agency: Roundwood prices continued to increase in 2019

Swedish Forest Agency: Roundwood prices continued to increase in 2019

Delivery prices on roundwood have increased two years in a row. The increase of 2019 was however less than the year before. The first half of 2019 had increasing prices which later turned downward during the second half of the year, as Swedish Forest Agency reported.

The pulpwood price increased by 7.6% during 2019 compared with 2018, while the price of sawlog increased by 1%. This can be compared to the previous year when pulpwood and sawlog prices increased by 12.8% and 7.2%.  

The difference can be explained by the quarterly statistics. Both pulpwood and sawlog prices increased every quarter during 2018 but the trend later turned downward in the middle of 2019. The initial increase of the year was however larger than the later decrease, causing an overall increase for the full year.  

Regionally, pulpwood prices increased in the Northern region by 13.4% during 2019, while it increased by 8% in the Central region and 7% in the Southern region.

The price development for sawlog was lower or almost unchanged. In the Southern region, prices rose by 2.1% during 2019 compared to 2018. In the Northern region the price increased by 0.8% and in the Central region by 0.2%.