Sweden's stocks of coniferous sawlogs, pulpwood and wood chips are estimated to amount 8.2 million m³f ub (cubic metre solid volume excl. bark) as at 31 December 2018. This is an increase by 28% compared with the same time frame as 2017 which means that stocks are now again at normal levels, as the Swedish Forest Agency reported.
During the recent years the total stock has been 7–8 million cubic metre except in the end of 2017 when the stock volumes of pulpwood were unusually low.
The total stocks of pulpwood amounted to 4.3 million m³f ub. As per assortment pulpwood stocks was: 2.87 million m³f ub of mixed coniferous, 0.71 million m³f ub of spruce and 0.72 million m³f ub of broadleaved species. Compared to the same time frame of the year 2017 stock volumes of pulpwood increased by 47%. The stock volumes increased in all assortments and all wood balance regions. The increase is mainly due to fact that the stock volume of mixed coniferous pulpwood was unusually low in the end of 2017.
Stock volumes of coniferous sawlogs is estimated to amount 3 million m³f ub. Compared with same time frame as 2017 this is an increase by 9%. The stock volumes of coniferous sawlogs was unchanged in the whole country with the exception in the wood balance region 3 and 4 where stock volumes were 26% larger than the same time in 2017.
The stock volumes of wood chips are estimated to amount 1 million cubic metre, which is an increase by 23% compared to in the end of 2017.