Wood products company Setra has reported an operating loss of SEK -191 million ($18.3 million) for the Q4 2023. Net sales totalled SEK 1,273 million ($122 million), compared to SEK 1,395 million ($133 million) in the Q4 2022.
Cash flow from operating activities in the Q4 2023 amounted to SEK 127 million ($12.2 million).
“The wood products market continued to be challenging in the Q4. The main negative impact on earnings continues to be the combination of historically high raw material prices and low sales prices. For upcoming quarters, we have signed contracts with increased prices. Demand improved in the US and Asia, while underlying demand in Scandinavia and Europe remains weak,” says Marcus Westdahl, Setra’s CEO.
Setra is one of Sweden’s largest wood industry companies.