Russia was the main sawn softwood supplier to China in 2019 and China’s sawn softwood imports from Russia rose 9% to 17.03 million cubic metres and accounted for 60% of the national total, down 3% year-on-year.


Russia was China’s main sawn softwood supplier in 2019

Russia was the main sawn softwood supplier to China in 2019 and China’s sawn softwood imports from Russia rose 9% to 17.03 million cubic metres and accounted for 60% of the national total, down 3% year-on-year, as ITTO reported.

In the meantime, China’s sawn softwood imports from Belarus, Germany, Sweden and Ukraine surged 393%, 349%, 136% and 101% respectively, however, imports from the US fell 34% mainly due to the China-US trade conflict.

Average prices for all sawn softwood suppliers fell at different rates. Average prices for imported sawn softwood from Sweden and Germany declined 65% and 22% respectively.