Ledinek to supply equipment for Ante Group in Germany. Ledinek will supply everything from the raw wood infeed to transporting the raw CLT elements to the sending machine or to the CNC machining centres - including the PC process control system X-Lam Manager.


Ledinek to supply equipment for Ante Group in Germany

Ledinek to supply equipment for Ante Group in Germany

Germany's Ante Group produces CLT elements for walls and ceilings under the HBS Berga brand. Ante has been supplying its customers with products such as sawn timber, planed goods, KVH, glulam and CNC joinery for home and garden needs as well as ecological bio-electricity and pellets for 90 years.

Ledinek will supply everything from the raw wood infeed to transporting the raw CLT elements to the sending machine or to the CNC machining centres - including the PC process control system X-Lam Manager.

When completed, HBS Berga CLT will be able to produce up to a capacity of more than 100,000 m³/A. Elements of up to 16m x 3.5m x 360mm are to be manufactured. The individual layers will be prepared with the Z-Press into single-layer glued wood panels, which promises airtightness and a higher capacity of pressing in X-Press.