Huhtamaki inaugurates its newest fiber packaging line in Invanteevka, Russia. The Euro 7 million investment included setting up a completely new state-of-the-art egg carton line as well as modernizing one of the unit’s existing egg packaging lines. With the new line, 26 new jobs will be created in Ivanteevka.


Huhtamäki inaugurates its new fiber packaging line in Invanteevka, Russia

Huhtamaki inaugurates its newest fiber packaging line in Invanteevka, Russia. The Euro 7 million investment included setting up a completely new state-of-the-art egg carton line as well as modernizing one of the unit’s existing egg packaging lines. With the new line, 26 new jobs will be created in Ivanteevka, as the company says in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

In addition, as part of Huhtamaki's continuous efforts to minimize the environmental footprint of its manufacturing operations, improvements were made to the unit’s water management system.

Huhtamaki manufactures foodservice packaging and egg packaging in Russia. Its two manufacturing units are located in Ivanteevka, near Moscow, and in Alabuga, Tatarstan, employing altogether 720 people.