Hartmann’s Board of Directors has appointed Flemming Steen as CFO and member of the executive board effective September 18, 2018. Hartmann is the world’s leading manufacturer of moulded-fibre egg packaging, a market-leading manufacturer of fruit packaging in South America and one of the world’s largest manufacturers of technology for the production of moulded-fibre packaging.


Hartmann names Flemming Steen CFO and member of the executive board

Hartmann’s Board of Directors has appointed Flemming Steen as CFO and member of the executive board effective September 18, 2018, as the company says in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

Flemming Steen is a business-oriented executive with extensive international management experience from positions as CFO of companies such as Clipper Group, MT Højgaard, and Junckers Industries. He has furthermore been responsible for Group IT at A.P. Moller –Maersk, head of strategy at Maersk Line and CFO at APM Terminals.

Flemming Steensucceeds Marianne Rørslev Bock, who in June announced that she has accepted a position at another company following six years’ tenure with Hartmann.

Hartmann is the world’s leading manufacturer of moulded-fibre egg packaging, a market-leading manufacturer of fruit packaging in South America and one of the world’s largest manufacturers of technology for the production of moulded-fibre packaging.