The EGGER Group, headquartered in St. Johann in Tirol, Austria, closed the first half of its 2024/2025 financial year (reporting date 31 October 2024) with consolidated sales of Euro 2.1 billion (–0.2 % as compared to the previous year). The current economic situation is characterised by the challenging situation in the construction industry, a generally weak consumption, major global conflicts and turbulence in economic policy. As an internationally active family company, EGGER is feeling the effects of this context on its own business. Despite the challenging market environment, the wood-based material manufacturer is able to report a stable development in the first half of 2024/2025 and, against this backdrop, can draw a quite satisfying conclusion.
Thomas Leissing, Chief Financial Officer EGGER Group and Speaker of the Group Management: “When navigating particularly turbulent and challenging times, it is crucial that we can rely on our strong foundations. We are and always will be a family business, this is clearly anchored in our strategy. Our long-term focus is on the sustainable development of the company over generations. This enables us to utilise opportunities and continue to invest in our plants even in difficult economic times. Together with our more than 11,000 employees, we will also master the difficult market context well."
In the first half-year 2024/2025, the EGGER Group generated sales of Euro 2,093.5 million
(–0.2% as compared to the first half-year 2023/2024) and an EBITDA of Euro 320.3 million (+7.0% as compared to the previous year). The EBITDA margin is 15.3%, the shareholder’s equity ratio is at the high level of 42.5%.
Sales were therefore maintained at a solid level across the Group despite the economic downturn. The decorative products area for furniture and interior design generated unconsolidated sales of Euro 1,860.0 million (+2.4% compared to the previous year). Positive effects resulted from the first-time inclusion of the plant in Markt Bibart, Germany, which was acquired at the end of 2023, the increase in sales volumes at the plant in Lexington, North Carolina, USA, and the increase in sales at the plant in Biskupiec, Poland. The plants in Western and Eastern Europe were well utilised overall. However, the situation in the core markets in Central Europe was challenging, with the German-speaking region in particular experiencing high market and price pressure. The product area for wood construction and flooring, which generated unconsolidated sales of Euro 351.0 million (–9.4% compared to the previous year), is directly affected by the downturn in the construction industry. The significant drop in construction activity, particularly in the area of new residential construction, is having an inhibiting effect here.
EGGER is the family company, founded in 1961, is a leading international manufacturer of wood-based materials.