New Zealand was the main log supplier to China in 2019 accounting for 29% of total log imports. The second ranked supplier of logs was Russia at 7.75 million m3, a year-on-year decline 28%, accounting for about 12% of the national total, down 6% over 2018.


China’s log imports from Russia declined 28% in 2019

China’s log imports from the Czech Rep. and Germany in 2019 soared to 4.24 million m3 and 2.30 million m3, respectively. New Zealand was the main log supplier to China in 2019 accounting for 29% of total log imports. Imports from New Zealand totalled 17.74 million m3 in 2019, a year-on-year increase of 2%, as ITTO reported.

The second ranked supplier of logs was Russia at 7.75 million m3, a year-on-year decline 28%, accounting for about 12% of the national total, down 6% over 2018.

Average CIF prices for imported logs from New Zealand fell 9% to $128 per cubic metre and from Russia CIF prices fell 3% to $120 per cubic metre in 2019.