Investment, project financing. Invest in projects associated with the production, power generation, oil industry, mining, waste management. Projects with a budget of 1 million €. Loan of two to ten years with the possibility of postponing the loan for 2 years. We use various financial schemes involving public programs. Financing terms are discussed for each project individually.
Our team is working on the Russian market since 1995. Since that time we have established good relationships with leading companies in sectors such as oil and gas, mining, energy, construction, financial services, banking, and corporate security.
Transinvest works closely with financial companies and UK banks on investment projects in Russia.
We conducted a number of international seminars and konferemtsy with Russian companies in countries such as Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, OAE, the U.S., South America, Japan and China.
We can help your company to enter the market, to find partners for distribution purposes of your products and to find suitable investment projects.
Our clients: Gazprom, Rosneft, Sibur, Stroytransgaz, Zarubejneftegaz, BP-TNK, Severstal, Mihailovsky GOK Yuzhkuzbasugol, Evrazruda Holding Altin Diamond, Tvel, Diamonds Anabar, Sevuralboksitruda, Northern Mining, Metinvest, Metalloinvest, Bank of Moscow, VTB, Uralliga Bank omnibus plants handling equipment Solikamsk Lumbering plant, SM.holding, Cherokee