Center for Strategic Research of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Center for Strategic Research of the Republic of Bashkortostan


  • 成立于 2005
  • Governement
  • 從10至50名員工
  • 服務

    建设服务 - 生態認證 - 林業專門知識 - 機器保養維修服務 - 商户服务,代表服务代理 - 質量檢驗 - 管理咨询 - 事件管理

地点 俄國 450057, 巴什科尔托斯坦共和国, Ufa, Tukaeva 46, korpus 1

Center for strategic research is a state institution, established on the initiative of Murtaza G. Rakhimov � the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

* The Center�s most important aims are: to increase inward investment and stimulate internal reserve involvement into investment process;
* to form the region�s contemporary infrastructure of innovative economy.

The Center carries out all types of activity on working out, designing, consulting, complex maintenance and support as well as realization of investment projects.

* The following projects are underway now: working out a regional system of issuing resolving documents for investment projects on the principle of �one window process�
* infrastructure of innovative economy (a regional venture fund, business incubators, technology parks)

The Center negotiates with investors on siting new industries in the territory of the Republic and provides services on carrying out tender purchases by budgetary means.

Center for strategic research is a �ground� intended for working out various ideas and introducing them at primary stages of innovation projects realization. The Center�s entire activity shows the best correlation with the Republic common economic strategy.


The address: 450076, Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan, City of Ufa, 3 K.Marks str.
Telephone/Fax: +7 347 279 96 05, +7 347 279 96 12

* Contact our Departments: Investment Resources Department: +7 347 276 43 66
* Investment Projects Maintenance and Support Department: +7 347 276 43 96
* Analytic Research and Development Department: +7 347 276 43 89
* Financial and Legal Expertise Department: +7 347 279 96 29