地点 白俄羅斯 222120, Borisov, ul.M.Gorkogo, d.137-A
Abramovicha N.V.'s "triad-to" in the market with 1992., offers saw-timbers? Own? Manufactures. Оцилиндровка, edging, a cross tie impregnated, etc. Wholesale deliveries to a long-term basis. A code of station of sending on 159202. We sell on a constant basis cement РБ. The minimal party the car! Shipment to the Russian Federation is possible. The prices we shall coordinate. We are the official dealer Dnepropetrovsk стрелочного a factory. Стрелочные translations of all types. Rails available and under the order. Own пропиточное manufacture on the basis of slate oils (manufacture Estonia) according to Гост 20022.5-93. (Impregnation by an antiseptic tank). Manufacturing тротуарной tiles, бордюрного a stone, керамзитобетонных blocks for construction (a various structure and color). We are the first dealer of the Republican Unitary Enterprise? The Machine-tool constructing factory it. S.M.Kirova? Minsk. Marks МП6-1958-001, МП6-1515-002, МП6-1958-011. Metalcutting machine tools. Manufacture is on border in a Klimoviches.