


  • 成立于 2004
  • 出口商
  • 從10至50名員工

地点 俄國 188560, 列寧格勒地區, Slantsi

Limited company Transles of. Slates быстроразвивающая and the dynamical company, carries out timber cutting in territory of area Slantsevskogo of Leningrad region. The basic part of production is intended on export. The company has all necessary equipment for rendering services on timber cutting, лесопилению, to cargo transportations motor transport. The company is interested in partners on selling of following production:
- Balance aspen; - the Birch plywood range; - Saw-timbers birch, aspen; - Saw-timbers fur-tree, pine our company is ready to consider offers on manufacture of preparations, semifinished items from wood (any breeds are possible)