地点 俄國 180021, 普斯科夫地區, Pskov, Evlentyva 1
Saw-cattingy Factory for deep processing wood in territory of Russia:
1. Timber cutting for own Factory for deep processing wood;
2. Maintenance wood-cutting a factory raw material - a round wood (coniferous tipe-a pine, a fur-tree, a larch and deciduous breeds - a birch, an aspen, an alder);
3. Deep processing of forest products and receptions of end production:
- saw-timbers of chamber drying (8-10%;12-15%;18-22%;
- calibrated and-or planning timber-wood;
- profile timber-wood – floor a board, terrace a board, wall profiles a bar (insaid and outsaide), wall profile boards;
- finished products for a garden (years small houses, garden furniture, etc.);
- furniture preparations; - fuel granules (pillets) from waste wood-cutting a factory and bought raw material