


  • 成立于 1995
  • 幼樹幼兒園
  • 420 thousand cubic meters 每年
  • 從500到1000名員工

地点 俄國 187780, 列寧格勒地區, Podporozhye, Россия, Ленинградская Область, г.Подпорожье, пр.Ленина, д. 53а

One of the biggest logging companies on the North-West Russia. The company has the largest forest areas in Leningradskaja Oblast, apprx. 200.000 hec. Annual volumes of harvesting exeed 400.000 cub.m.
The company is focused on logging business. We have our own strong harvesting division. We use to buy services on a high seasons too.

We have oportunity to deliver by railway from our two own railway terminals. We can also deliver by vessels from the river port terminal in our city.

We are interesting to sell our logs on international and domestic market.
Feel free to contact us by e-mail or just call us.